Monday, December 08, 2014

V-22 forward firing vid...


  1. Note the position of the rotor disks - not going to be moving too fast while firing...

  2. Not exactly a breathtaking step, but a step in the right direction at least.

  3. Looks like it will have less fire power than Kiowa.

    Vid sounds as impressive as unclogging a toilet. LOL

  4. Sigh... Unfortunately WHAT you fire matters as much as being able to fire something forward. Can this be used for continued suppression of hostiles in an LZ? Fat chance. Need a rapid firing gun for that, not a couple of firecracker missiles.

    This airframe is beyond saving for true combat roles.

    1. Or they could mount a pair of M230s, GAU-19s, or M134 Miniguns on those hardpoints. And if you want something turreted there is always the IDWS.
      That and rocket pods are a pretty standard munition for suppressing wide areas with aircraft...

      I agree the V-22 is an awkward and perhaps unnecessary airframe, but only because of its size, not it's ability to mount certain weapon's systems.

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