Thursday, August 23, 2012

$250,000 to BAE for AAV Upgrade Study?

via DefenseAerospace.
“BAE Systems has worked successfully with the U.S. Marine Corps for more than 70 years, and we’re proud to continue being a part of programs that will revolutionize the amphibious fleet,” said Ann Hoholick, vice president and general manager of Amphibious & New Programs for BAE Systems. “It is our goal to design a family of systems that incorporates low-risk, mature technologies that are scalable to align with emerging requirements and funding.”

The AAV trade study will allow BAE Systems to propose how to best improve the survivability and force protection of the vehicle while maintaining its current land and water mobility characteristics. Through this $250,000 contract, BAE Systems will determine if an affordable development and production unit cost can be realized using a production schedule that fields 43 upgraded vehicles by September 2017.
Hmmm.  The Vice President of Amphibious & New Programs for BAE Systems is bieng a bit coy in her description of working with the Marine Corps for 70 years...unless she's counting FMC's work (BAE bought them out). But whats interesting is the production schedule and the amount of money allocated.

They're looking to have this done by 2017 which puts it smack dabin the iddle of MPC production.  THey also have a paltry sum of 250,000 grand to do this study.  That tells me that BAE is probably doing this on their own dime.  I can't lie to you.  I'm cheering for BAE on this one.  They have too many inovative projects out there...have lost on some projects on questionable reasoning and its time for a break through.

Quite honestly I'd love to see BAE offer new build AAV's with increased firepower, speed (land and water) and crew protection.

That'll be tough to do with only a quater million dollars seed money.


  1. The only company I trust to do this is bae, they spent a lot of their own money on upgrades for the aav already. If I was them I would work this hard and try to use their aav upgrades, and maybe a acv, to push the mpc out of the picture.

  2. i think you're onto something. i really believe thats why they slowed down the MPC. i'm betting that the Marine Corps really doesn't want it...sorta like the JLTV vs. Upgraded HUMVEE.

  3. Look at the money, 250000, they already have done plenty of research into this field with their own aav upgrade option, so thats nothing for them but to push into beefing up speed and armor for the aav. They have a good idea for the weapon platform, would like to see them keep the weapon in the turrent and out of the main body but hey gota work with what you got.

    They do this right, they will be selling these upgrades to not just the usmc, but Brazil, Korea, Spain(?) And maybe Australia. Allowing them to also start their work into the next gen acv.

    Again BAE is the only company I trust, I believe I'd they had done the efv, we would be seeing it fielded today


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